News Information
Release Date:11-08,2022 Font size
Zhao Yan, General Manager of CCS Hainan Branch, and His Team Visit Yuchai

On November 7, Zhao Yan, General Manager of CCS Hainan Branch, and his team visited Yuchai, and Ning Xingyong, Senior Vice President of Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd., received them.

During the visit, Zhao Yan and his team mainly planned to conduct on-site research on how to strengthen Yuchai's ship inspection after the establishment of the Product Department of CCS Hainan Branch this year, and listen to Yuchai's opinions and suggestions. Yuchai pointed out that after the establishment of Guangxi Yuchai Marine and Genset Power Co., Ltd. (YCMGP), all certification work needs to start all over again. Yuchai hoped that CCS Hainan Branch would open a green channel to assist YCMGP to complete the certification of the full series of products as soon as possible. Zhao Yan said that he would do his best to cooperate with YCMGP and do a good job in product certification according to the requirements of YCMGP.

Zhao Yan expressed satisfaction with the efficient cooperation with YCMGP in the past, and said that CCS Hainan Branch will uphold the concept of friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in the future to empower the development of YCMGP. Ning Xingyong expressed thanks to CCS Hainan Branch for its help and support to Yuchai's ship inspection, and said that in the future, Yuchai will strengthen cooperation with CCS Hainan Branch, and strive to help YCMGP achieve greater development, so that the national enterprise can go global and become a world-class enterprise.