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Yuchai Service, Worry-free and Fast
Release Date:07-15,2022 Font size
Yuchai Marine is a Trusted Partner

Tailu Fishing Port located at the easternmost end of the Huangqi Peninsula, faces the sea on three sides. As one of the main sea channels in Fujian and Zhejiang, it is the largest national central fishing port in Fuzhou, known as the "Tianya Haijiao of Fuzhou". As an important fishing town integrating marine fishing, marine aquaculture, marine trade and transportation, and freezing and machining of aquatic products, it has been built into a harbor to provide shelter for fishing boats in Tailu Town. It not only reduces round-trip fishing costs, but also ensures the life safety of fishermen, speeding up production time at sea. During the fishing off season from May to August every year, a large number of fishing boats line up here for maintenance.

Wang Huaishuang is the owner of Tailu Fishing Vessel Leasing Company. There are 10 crab boats in the company, all of which are equipped with Yuchai marine power, with a maximum of 2,200 horsepower and a minimum of 1,400 horsepower. Fuel-efficient Yuchai with stability, strong power, clean machines and good after-sales service is the reason for our choice. Leasing of fishing boats means leasing to fishermen for use after the boats are built, and fishermen pay deposits and lease to obtain the right to use. The stability of the diesel engine affects the income of fishing boat leasing companies, while fuel consumption affects economic benefits of fishermen. The crab catcher boat has stricter requirements for the stability of the engine. Because fishermen will be at sea for three months if the output is high, during which the engine will operate 24 hours a day. Besides, fishermen will go on throwing and drawing fishing net. The engine's pause will halt production, so the stability and reliability of the engine are critical. Boss Wang chose Yuchai based on its excellent market reputation. The engine's stability has strengthened his confidence after two-year operation. He also recommended three new ships equipped with 8CL Yuchai engine to his friends.

The fishermen who rented ships gave feedback that the fuel-saving engine has strong power with durability and better service. Affected by the international market this year, the price of diesel has been soared. Renting a fishing boat to catch crabs should take the costs of rent, labor, maintenance and diesel into consideration, the rest excluded the costs is the only profit. With Yuchai's 2,200-horsepower engine, the speed can easily reach 15 knots when the engine speed is increased to 80%, saving about 10% of fuel compared with competitors' engine, which is profits. Yuchai has complete spare parts outlets with timely service. As soon as the ship stops at Tailu Port, Yuchai's service personnel will overhaul the engine for fishermen, instruct the use and maintenance, and troubleshoot the fault. Worry-free and timely services are highly praised by fishermen.